Essais CLiniques Accessibles Interconnectés pour la Recherche ouverts à l'Ecosystème
0.1.1 - ci-build

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Resource Profile: ECLAIRELocation - Mappings

Draft as of 2023-10-09

Mappings for the eclaire-location resource profile.

Mappings for RIM Mapping (

LocationEntity. Role, or Act, .Role[classCode=SDLC]
   metan/a, N/A
   textn/a, N/A, Act.text?
   containedEntity. Role, or Act, N/A
   extensionn/a, N/A
   modifierExtensionn/a, N/A
   identifiern/a, II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT], .id
   statusn/a, .statusCode
   operationalStatusn/a, CV
   namen/a, .name
   aliasn/a, .name
   descriptionn/a, .playingEntity[classCode=PLC determinerCode=INSTANCE].desc
   moden/a, .playingEntity[classCode=PLC].determinerCode
   typen/a, CD, .code
   telecomn/a, TEL, .telecom
      extensionn/a, N/A
      systemn/a, ./scheme
      valuen/a, ./url
      usen/a, unique(./use)
      periodn/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"], ./usablePeriod[type="IVL<TS>"]
   addressn/a, AD, .addr
   physicalTypen/a, CD, .playingEntity [classCode=PLC].code
   positionn/a, .playingEntity [classCode=PLC determinerCode=INSTANCE].positionText
      extensionn/a, N/A
      modifierExtensionn/a, N/A
      longituden/a, (RIM Opted not to map the sub-elements of GPS location, is now an OBS)
      latituden/a, (RIM Opted not to map the sub-elements of GPS location, is now an OBS)
      altituden/a, (RIM Opted not to map the sub-elements of GPS location, is now an OBS)
   managingOrganizationn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), .scopingEntity[classCode=ORG determinerKind=INSTANCE]
   partOfn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), .inboundLink[typeCode=PART].source[classCode=SDLC]
   hoursOfOperationn/a, .effectiveTime
      extensionn/a, N/A
      modifierExtensionn/a, N/A
      daysOfWeekn/a, .effectiveTime
      allDayn/a, .effectiveTime
      openingTimen/a, .effectiveTime
      closingTimen/a, .effectiveTime
   endpointn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity)

Mappings for FiveWs Pattern Mapping (
