Répertoire national de l’Offre et des Ressources en santé et accompagnement médico-social
0.3.0 - ci-build France flag

Répertoire national de l’Offre et des Ressources en santé et accompagnement médico-social - Local Development build (v0.3.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Accueil
... 2 Specifications Fonctionnelles
... 3 Consultation des données capacitaires
... 4 Consultation de l'offre (extraction)
... 5 Recherche d'offre sur critères principaux
... 6 Recherche d'offre avec données capacitaires
... 7 Recherche d'offre sur la base d'informations tarifaires
... 8 Recherche d'offre via une technique « Full text »
... 9 Création et Mise à jour du lieu de réalisation de l'offre
... 10 Signalement d'anomalie
... 11 Mise à jour d'anomalie
... 12 Consultation d'anomalie
... 13 Consultation d'indicateurs de pilotage
... 14 Critères de recherche
... 15 Paramètres et modificateurs de requêtes FHIR
... 16 Mapping FHIR du modèle de données du ROR
... 17 Téléchargements et usages
.... 17.1 Sécurité
... 18 Autres Ressources
... 19 Artifacts Summary
.... 19.1 ROR-Consommateur
.... 19.2 ROR-Serveur
.... 19.3 ror-sp-additional-bed-type
.... 19.4 ror-sp-capacity-closing-type
.... 19.5 ror-sp-capacity-status
.... 19.6 ror-sp-capacity-type
.... 19.7 ror-sp-capacity-update-date
.... 19.8 ror-sp-crisis-type
.... 19.9 ror-sp-equipment-feature
.... 19.10 ror-sp-equipment-type
.... 19.11 ror-sp-gender-capacity-available
.... 19.12 ror-sp-healthcareservice-age-range-high
.... 19.13 ror-sp-healthcareservice-age-range-low
.... 19.14 ror-sp-healthcareservice-equipment-type
.... 19.15 ror-sp-healthcareservice-intervention-zone
.... 19.16 ror-sp-healthcareservice-patient-type
.... 19.17 ror-sp-healthcareservice-psychiatric-sector
.... 19.18 ror-sp-limit-value
.... 19.19 ror-sp-location-commune-cog
.... 19.20 ror-sp-location-near-insee-code
.... 19.21 ror-sp-nb-capacity
.... 19.22 ror-sp-organization-closing-type
.... 19.23 ror-sp-organization-drop-zone
.... 19.24 ror-sp-organization-oi-name
.... 19.25 ror-sp-organization-period-end
.... 19.26 ror-sp-organization-price-amount-value
.... 19.27 ror-sp-organization-price-dependency-level
.... 19.28 ror-sp-organization-price-residential-type
.... 19.29 ror-sp-organization-price-type
.... 19.30 ror-sp-organization-price-unit
.... 19.31 ror-sp-organization-price-validity-start-date
.... 19.32 ror-sp-organization-price-welcome-type
.... 19.33 ror-sp-organization-special-price
.... 19.34 ror-sp-residential-number
.... 19.35 ror-sp-residential-type
.... 19.36 ror-sp-temporality-capacity
.... 19.37 ror-sp-temporary-assignement
.... 19.38 RORHealthcareService
.... 19.39 RORLocation
.... 19.40 RORMeasure
.... 19.41 RORMeasureReport
.... 19.42 ROROrganization
.... 19.43 RORPractitioner
.... 19.44 RORPractitionerRole
.... 19.45 RORTask
.... 19.46 AsLieuDit
.... 19.47 RORActType
.... 19.48 RORAvailableTimeEffectiveOpeningClosingDate
.... 19.49 RORAvailableTimeNumberDaysofWeek
.... 19.50 RORAvailableTimeTypeOfTime
.... 19.51 RORCommuneCog
.... 19.52 RORConfidenceGeolocation
.... 19.53 RORConfidentialityLevel
.... 19.54 RORContactConfidentialityLevel
.... 19.55 RORContactDescription
.... 19.56 RORContactFunctionContact
.... 19.57 RORContactTelecomConfidentialityLevel
.... 19.58 RORContactTelecomUsage
.... 19.59 RORCoordinateReliability
.... 19.60 RORHealthcareServiceContact
.... 19.61 RORHealthcareServiceContactTelecom
.... 19.62 RORHealthcareServiceNoConsentHabilitation
.... 19.63 RORHealthcareServicePatientType
.... 19.64 RORHealthcareServicePsychiatricSector
.... 19.65 RORHealthcareServiceSensitiveUnit
.... 19.66 RORLocationEquipment
.... 19.67 RORLocationEquipmentLimit
.... 19.68 RORLocationResidentialCapacity
.... 19.69 RORLocationStatus
.... 19.70 RORLocationSupportedCapacity
.... 19.71 RORMetaComment
.... 19.72 RORMetaCreationDate
.... 19.73 ROROrganizationAccessibilityLocation
.... 19.74 ROROrganizationAccomodationFamily
.... 19.75 ROROrganizationAdditionalName
.... 19.76 ROROrganizationClosingType
.... 19.77 ROROrganizationComment
.... 19.78 ROROrganizationCreationDate
.... 19.79 ROROrganizationDropZone
.... 19.80 ROROrganizationFinancialHelpType
.... 19.81 ROROrganizationLevelRecourseORSAN
.... 19.82 ROROrganizationNbPermanentSocialHelpPlace
.... 19.83 ROROrganizationNbTemporarySocialHelpPlace
.... 19.84 ROROrganizationPrice
.... 19.85 ROROrganizationReopeningDate
.... 19.86 RORPractitionerRoleName
.... 19.87 RORPractitionerRoleUnitExerciseMode
.... 19.88 RORTelecomCommunicationChannel
.... 19.89 RORTelecomConfidentialityLevel
.... 19.90 RORTelecomUsage
.... 19.91 RORTerritorialDivision
.... 19.92 Fusion des valuesets pour le code de la division territoriale
.... 19.93 Value Set afin d'étendre le Value Set pour query parameter includeAssociatedData
.... 19.94 Valueset type d'acte
.... 19.95 ActTypeRORCodeSystem
.... 19.96 Code System (CS) utilisé pour étendre le CS original avec le query parameter includeAssociatedData
.... 19.97 InputTaskRORCodeSystem
.... 19.98 OutputTaskRORCodeSystem