Terminologies de Santé (Publiées par l'ANS)
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ValueSet: JDV_BIO_Interpretation_CISIS

Official URL: https://smt.esante.gouv.fr/fhir/ValueSet/ Version: 20231127000000
Retired as of 2023-11-27 Responsible: Agence du Numérique en Santé(ANS) -2 - 10 Rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane, 75015 Paris Computable Name: JDV_BIO_Interpretation_CISIS
Other Identifiers: OID:



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Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet

version: 1; Last updated: 2024-12-19 05:02:28+0000

Profile: Shareable ValueSet

  • Include these codes as defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ObservationInterpretation
    BAméliorationThe current result or observation value has improved compared to the previous result or observation value (the change is significant as defined in the respective test procedure).

    \[Note: This can be applied to quantitative or qualitative observations.\]
    DDiminution significative par rapport au résultat antérieurThe current result has decreased from the previous result for a quantitative observation (the change is significant as defined in the respective test procedure).
    UAugmentation significative par rapport au résultat antérieurThe current result has increased from the previous result for a quantitative observation (the change is significant as defined in the respective test procedure).
    WDégradationThe current result or observation value has degraded compared to the previous result or observation value (the change is significant as defined in the respective test procedure).

    \[Note: This can be applied to quantitative or qualitative observations.\]
    <Au dessous, hors échelle instrument de mesureThe result is below the minimum detection limit (the test procedure or equipment is the limiting factor).

    Synonyms: Below analytical limit, low off scale.
    >Au dessus, hors échelle instrument de mesureThe result is above the maximum quantifiable limit (the test procedure or equipment is the limiting factor).

    Synonyms: Above analytical limit, high off scale.
    AAnormalThe result or observation value is outside the reference range or expected norm (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    \[Note: Typically applies to non-numeric results.\]
    AATrès anormal, alerteThe result or observation value is outside a reference range or expected norm at a level at which immediate action should be considered for patient safety (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    \[Note: Typically applies to non-numeric results. Analogous to critical/panic limits for numeric results.\]
    HHTrès anormalement haut, alerteThe result for a quantitative observation is above a reference level at which immediate action should be considered for patient safety (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    Synonym: Above upper panic limits.
    LLTrès anormalement bas, alerteThe result for a quantitative observation is below a reference level at which immediate action should be considered for patient safety (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    Synonym: Below lower panic limits.
    HAnormalement hautThe result for a quantitative observation is above the upper limit of the reference range (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    Synonym: Above high normal
    LAnormalement basThe result for a quantitative observation is below the lower limit of the reference range (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    Synonym: Below low normal
    NNormalThe result or observation value is within the reference range or expected norm (as defined for the respective test procedure).

    \[Note: Applies to numeric or non-numeric results.\]
    SSensibleBacterial strain inhibited by in vitro concentration of an antimicrobial agent that is associated with a high likelihood of therapeutic success. Reference: CLSI (http://www.clsi.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Resources/HarmonizedTerminologyDatabase/Harmonized\_Terminolo.htm) Synonym (earlier term): Sensitive Projects: ISO 20776-1, ISO 20776-2

    \[Note 1: Bacterial strains are categorized as susceptible by applying the appropriate breakpoints in a defined phenotypic system.\]

    \[Note 2: This breakpoint can be altered due to changes in circumstances (e.g., changes in commonly used drug dosages, emergence of new resistance mechanisms).\]
    IIntermédiaireBacterial strain inhibited in vitro by a concentration of an antimicrobial agent that is associated with uncertain therapeutic effect. Reference: CLSI (http://www.clsi.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Resources/HarmonizedTerminologyDatabase/Harmonized\_Terminolo.htm) Projects: ISO 20776-1, ISO 20776-2

    \[Note 1: Bacterial strains are categorized as intermediate by applying the appropriate breakpoints in a defined phenotypic test system.\]

    \[Note 2: This class of susceptibility implies that an infection due to the isolate can be appropriately treated in body sites where the drugs are physiologically concentrated or when a high dosage of drug can be used.\]

    \[Note 3: This class also indicates a "buffer zone," to prevent small, uncontrolled, technical factors from causing major discrepancies in interpretations.\]

    \[Note 4: These breakpoints can be altered due to changes in circumstances (e.g., changes in commonly used drug dosages, emergence of new resistance mechanisms).\]
    RRésistantBacterial strain inhibited in vitro by a concentration of an antimicrobial agent that is associated with a high likelihood of therapeutic failure. Reference: CLSI (http://www.clsi.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Resources/HarmonizedTerminologyDatabase/Harmonized\_Terminolo.htm) Projects: ISO 20776-1, ISO 20776-2

    \[Note 1: Bacterial strains are categorized as resistant by applying the appropriate breakpoints in a defined phenotypic test system.\]

    \[Note 2: This breakpoint can be altered due to changes in circumstances (e.g., changes in commonly used drug dosages, emergence of new resistance mechanisms).\]
    MSModérément sensibleThe patient is considered as carrier based on the testing results. A carrier is an individual who carries an altered form of a gene which can lead to having a child or offspring in future generations with a genetic disorder.

    ***Deprecation Comment:*** This antimicrobial susceptibility test interpretation concept is recommended by OO to be deprecated as it is no longer recommended for use in susceptibility testing by CLSI (reference CLSI document M100-S22; Vol. 32 No.3; CLSI Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twenty-Second Informational Supplement. Jan 2012).
    VSTrès sensibleThe patient is considered as carrier based on the testing results. A carrier is an individual who carries an altered form of a gene which can lead to having a child or offspring in future generations with a genetic disorder.

    ***Deprecation Comment:*** This antimicrobial susceptibility test interpretation concept is recommended by OO to be deprecated as it is no longer recommended for use in susceptibility testing by CLSI (reference CLSI document M100-S22; Vol. 32 No.3; CLSI Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twenty-Second Informational Supplement. Jan 2012).



Expansions are not generated for retired value sets

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code